“Your Power” Is Billie Eilish’s Harrowing New Single

Global sensation Billie Eilish has followed up the announcement of her upcoming sophomore album with a new single. Titled “Your Power,” the song is harrowing, yet soothing.


Does “Your Power” Show That Billie Eilish is Happier Than Ever?

As prolific as ever, Billie Eilish released the song, “Your Power.” On the surface, this could seem like a self-empowerment anthem. Diving into it, though, it illuminates the struggles of an abusive relationship. She chronicles the abuse of power that comes with an unequal relationship. The self-destruction and struggles that come with that lead Eilish to write this song as a warning. It is a soothing ballad that is mesmerizing, stunning, and just another whisper-toned notch in the star’s belt. 


Although this song is haunting musically and heartbreaking lyrically, listeners can clearly find the inspiration weaved into it. At only 19-years-old, Billie Eilish has lived many lives. She has been a dancer, a SoundCloud trend, a Grammy-winning performer, and a normal teenage girl. All of this combined allows her to write songs that reflect on what she has learned in her personal – and professional – life.


Life Lessons Put To Music

It’s unfortunate that someone so young and so deserving had such a challenging time because of toxic romantic partner. (One who was a handful of years older.) Much of this song recounts these events from that relationship – of which she was in at only 16. The power play within that and the discomfort she felt is shown through her now 19-year-old vulnerability


Billie Eilish hopes to inspire through every inch of this brand new single. Teaching fans of all ages about relationship balance is important. Doing so through a folksy ballad makes the message even more memorable. The introspective music video that accompanies “Your Power” depicts this message of toxicity and abuse of power in a hefty, but sonic way. It only helps that the visual was self-directed. By working both on-screen and behind it, Eilish was able to impart even more truth into this intimate song.


The ‘Power’ Of A Good Music Video

Her heart is on her sleeve and her emotional intelligence is on full display yet again on “Your Power.” Understanding firsthand the way men, predominantly, prey on younger women is a hard lesson to learn. Not only did the star learn it, but felt the detrimental repercussions of it. Now that she’s out of the relationship, she is able to reflect on the challenges she faced because of it. 


The video stars a blonde, brazen Billie as she tackles the truth about physical and emotional predators. As the singer sits on a cliff, all alone, and wrecked, you can feel how lonely she felt. The lyrics and cinematography work hand-in-hand to convey this message. Abusive relationships, especially within the entertainment industry, are ever prevalent. The approach of tackling it head-on – and beautifully – is truly needed.


By telling her story and exposing the dangers of abuse, she’s allowing listeners to feel one with her. Yes, you, too, can relate to a worldwide pop star. How? Through “Your Power,” because Billie Eilish is giving courage and a voice to those who need it. Feeling stuck and controlled, as well as abused and silenced, is a terrifying feeling. For a 16-year-old Eilish to have felt that way is heartbreaking. Fans around the world are sharing their love for her and the genuine message within “Your Power.”


Aesthetically, this cool-toned, beige-filled video is stunning. The lack of color and life in it emulates how someone can feel in a toxic relationship. As a snake wraps itself around the singer, fans get even more insight into how the star felt three years ago. She was trapped by a snake who slithered into her life. The thoughts and feelings that lasted after the break up were just as draining and restrictive, too. At least, until now, as we would like to think she is more at peace during the Happier Than Ever era.


Once again, Billie Eilish has outdone herself. The message of the song is loud and clear thanks to stellar songwriting and a sweet voice. The music video gives a visual element to this haunting, but relatable story. We can only hope that Billie Eilish continues to become ‘happier than ever’ while writing music that inspires through vulnerability. It’s easy to see that the reason she resonates so fiercely is because of her very own power, whether or not it once felt squashed by someone else.

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