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Cavetown’s Wonderfully Odd “Fall In Love With A Girl”

Love can seem complicated and difficult, in truth it isn’t. Not really. Robin Daniel Skinner, a.k.a. Cavetown shows this off in a somewhat odd way with his latest single. More specifically, it’s another rendition of the sincere “Fall In Love With A Girl”, this time featuring Orla Gartland

The Wonderfully Odd and Sincere Song: 

Let’s get some things out of the way first. The song is “odd.” I say this because the approach this single takes in making love simple is something I’ve never heard before. Rather, this sort of writing and perspective is something you don’t hear every day. Cavetown expresses from an outside perspective some advice toward an unnamed girl who’s with a boy that doesn’t love her or give her the attention she needs. That advice being: to fall in love with a girl. 

Bringing up some points that I frankly agree with. Whether it’s the understanding nature of most girls, the world being on your shoulders as you hold one’s hand, etc. Contrasted by the opening, showing that the current boyfriend can’t be forced to love her and that he gives her bullshit. This is of course carried by the soft composition made up of a ukulele and piano chords. 

The Support & Outcome: 

This version of “Fall In Love With A Girl” features Orla Gartland, and she adds on by playing the role of the girl the girl in question can fall in love with. It’s done in a very sweet way, with the entire verse being encapsulated with the line:

“I want to be your wake up call” 

This ends up being a great addition. Cavetown made a great track for those who’re in a toxic relationship and so happen to be bi-curious. As for the bi-curious guys dating toxic women… I mean, I don’t know man. This one doesn’t seem to be for you (ha!), but I’m sure you’ll come across one eventually! That’s it for now. For more on your favorites and unknown check out our Word and Drops sections. 

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