Writers Ignored Amid Agreement With Directors

As the the writers strike continues, more productions were shut down, as some are still in the process of production. According to the Hollywood Reporter, writers on strike have indicated their goal is to empty “the content pipeline”. A variety of celebrities have sided with writers, the main cause of protest being better income and working conditions. Lately, writers have been scrambling from job to job in search of a better and more long term career solution. It has resulted in studios having to lay off writers because a show ends prematurely. Picket lines have also become bigger, as more and more writers have started to protest. 

On June 4th, a tentative agreement was reached between the studios and the Directors Guild of America. This includes a three year plan with improvement in wages, royalties with streaming residuals, and guardrails to try to to get around AI. It is a historical deal for sure, as it can prevent more strikes within the Hollywood system. There is also to be more negotiations with the actors guild to try to create a new and fair contract. 

On the other hand, the writers still received no deal given the studio’s claim their demands are too complex and “it is not the best time for a major change in how writers are paid”, as per the The New York Times. The New York Times also mentioned the writers think the studio’s “are seemingly intent on destroying the profession of writing.” They also claimed that the actors guild “couldn’t negotiate with the WGA because of negotiations with the directors guild. That is a lie. It is a choice they made in hope of using the divide and conquer strategy. But the essence of the strategy is to make deals and tell the rest. It’s gaslighting and only works if unions are divided.” In other words, the only way to resolve the strike is to negotiate and make sure the terms comply with the WGA’s.

Since writers demands were not met, the strike will go on for longer than anticipated.  As writers continue to fight, it is a reminder that they are strong enough to get what they want. For now it is only a matter of time in which the studio’s will cave in to try to get Hollywood up and running again.

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