“the third ep” Dives Deep Into The Mind of girlhouse

‘the third ep’ heartfelt and powerful EP dives deep into the mind of girlhouse

This month girlrhouse dropped their newest release and it is taking the music world by the heart and holding it tight. A six-track beauty that’s unapologetic in nature and talks about pain in a way that is relatable to others. We dive into the mind of girlhouse with the solo project by Lauren Luiz, also known as girlhouse.

The EP shows life’s challenges and reminds us we are not alone.  Being able to show the calm and in control side of the brain while perfectly executing the pain of being trapped inside of the brain. We all have this want to get out of our heads.


Lifes challenges displayed by song

Could this please, hurt more please?

I’m holdin’ onto a memory

When you hurt me, I go crazy

I’m holdin’ onto anythin’


‘facetime after sex’ music video:



This singer-songwriter is proving herself to be a very promising indie rock/pop newcomer. Lauren Luiz is also known for her work with the folk-pop band WILD.  She talks in an interview with StageHazed about the connection between girlhouse and WILD. The interviewer notes that the two songs of WILD and girlhouse are vastly different. With girlhouse’s being more electronic than WILD.

Lauren Luiz is also known for her work with the folk-pop band WILD. 

Luiz states,

“Tyler and I heard a band on an airplane a few years ago with a cool drum machine loop, I think the band was No Vacation, we were really enamored by how simple it was and wanted to try and simplify our sound. So we went back to the studio and challenged ourselves to only use 4 instruments on a track, and then we just didn’t stop.” Although this album is strictly Luiz’s words and heart, she continues to work with her bandmates for inspiration.


A Grasp of the Mind

“I guess we’re all human, I guess we all get weak” (atlantis is a movie girlhouse)

Luiz is a storyteller and each track proves that point. Each track is emotionally filled and is produced in a smooth, relaxing, yet powerful way. These songs make you want to dance in the dark or sit in the shower.


The Heartfelt EP

Secret Road Records released the third ep starting with the equal parts melancholy and powerful opener “pual blart mall cop.” By the end of this song, you will have goosebumps and a smile on your face. Charged with frustration, girlhouse’s next song, “cool guy”.  Then following that track with its honest ’60s pop-influenced song is “facetime after sex”. At this halfway point in the album it turns to “miss u this time”, “dontstop,” and “atlantis is a movie”. These three tracks relay Luiz’s trauma which she chooses to share through her songwriting.


Luiz shares that the EP is split into two acts,  “One of which is like playing house. Playing is manufactured but feels like it could become a reality. The second half is a snap back to reality. It grapples with life, death, and love.” She says the height of the EP comes from the heart-wrenching song “Don’t stop loving me.” It captures the entire idea of the EP of the vulnerability of life and its changes. Written with exquisite words this EP lets us into the mind of girlhouse.

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