State Champs Announce Kings Of The New Age Tour

Following the release of their latest album “Kings Of The New Age,” punk rock band State Champs announce their tour of the same name.

State Champs outta my head

Kings Of The New Age Tour

After releasing their latest and fourth studio album, State Champs announced their return on stage. Both the album and the tour mark an important novelty for fans who waited for multiple years to see their favourite band again. In fact, State Champs’ previous success, 2018 Living Proof, came out four years ago, and the tour that followed didn’t arrive much later.

The album included singles Everybody But You and Outta My Head, that will surely make a great experience when performed live.

Switching between punk rock and pop punk, the band is part of the veterans of the genre. State Champs started in garages and basements in 2010. Fast growth brought them to the lead of the genre, reaching the level of Green Day and Blink-182, while being younger and therefore closer to young listeners. Their age never took anything away from the general respect they gained from music peers and fans.

State Champs made the announcement of the tour by promising something big and surely unmissable. “We’re doing it up big this fall. You’re not going to want to miss this,” they wrote on their social accounts.

The tour presents almost 30 dates in the US. A night in Toronto is included as well. Starting Sept 10 in Washington, PA, the tour will proceed for three months, until the last Albany, NY date on Dec 10.

Lineup and Opening acts

The tour will also be the first without ex guitarist Tony Diaz. The musician left in 2020. According to the band, the member left “after some soul searching and much deliberation.” The other four members, singer Derek DiScanio, guitarist Tyler Szalkowski, bassist Ryan Scott Graham, and drummer Evan Ambrosio, will surely play an unforgettable performance.

State Champs went on their official accounts also to announce the special guests that will open their dates. Multiple names were announced to alternate in the different nights. Pop rock band HUNNY, Australian Between You & Me with Young Culture, Games We Play and save face will open State Champs’ nights.

Don’t lose your chance to see State Champs live and find your tickets here.

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