Rob Grant Is The Captain on Debut Album “Lost at Sea”

Rob Grant's "nepo daddy" just got serious after releasing his highly-anticipated album, Lost at Sea.

After a lengthy single rollout, Rob Grant finally released his debut album, Lost at Sea. Despite cancel culture’s iron-clad grasp on “nepo babies,” Rob Grant told GQ, “the nepo daddy thing I love,” following the footsteps of beloved alternative music icon Lana Del Rey.

Although the opulent sound creator skates across the new 14-track record with dazzling piano, press releases note he has no formal musical training and cannot read sheet music. “But when he sits down at a piano, notes flow from him,” the promotional copy reassures.

“It’s an ethereal album – inspired by my love for the sea and for sailing. The music on it is meant to bring you peace and calm, and to take you on a hypnotic ambient journey.”

“Rob Grant speaking about his new album, Lost at Sea

All six previous singles include “Setting Sail on a Distant Horizon,” “The Poetry of Wind and Waves,”The Mermaids Lullaby,” and “Deep Ocean Swells,” and two Lana Del Rey collaborations– “Lost at Sea” and “Hollywood Bowl.”

Much like Lana’s feather-light voice on the title track “Lost at Sea,” the album’s closer “Hollywood Bowl” carries the same effect. Raising expectations is just the new normal when the famed songstress hops on a track. “Hollywood Bowl” is the inevitable victor of the album, mostly doused in classical piano.

“Lana’s voice is haunting and powerful. It moves ghostlike like through the song like mist over the ocean. The song [“Hollywood Bowl”] has a deep message of hope…for all of us who feel lost and disconnected in today’s world.”

Rob Grant on “Hollywood Bowl”

Lana’s venture into wordy lyricism amplifies her ninth studio album, sidekicks Taylor’s discography, and highlights her dad’s project. Her words are sea glass, skimming the sand waiting for contact. “I know I’m not Joni Mitchell, but I’ve got a dad who plays like Billy Joel,” she sings. “I know I can’t see the whole picture, but I like to dream about my days of gold.”

Where Rob lets the music play, Lana fills the space. And where Lana waivers, Rob Grant thrums up something magical– it’s a wonderous support effort. The album is an intimate gift, borderlining on a family heirloom for generations to come.

What do you think of Rob Grant’s new album, Lost at Sea? Check out our other Releases on Music Daily.

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