One of Music Daily’s very own is today’s music discovery! Check out Sadder Days—a duo that is refreshingly shaking up the music scene in Austin, Texas.
There Are Sadder Days Ahead
Allow us to introduce to you an up-and-coming band that is sure to catch your attention. College students Cameron Wesley (University of Texas) and Grant Celestine (Texas State) make up Sadder Days- a metal alternative duo that is changing the landscape of music as we know it. Nowadays, it’s difficult to carve a name for yourself in an industry saturated with individuals attempting to become the next big thing. However, sometimes there’s a one-in-a-million artist that comes in and turns everything upside down. That’s Sadder Days.
Blurring the lines between an array of genres, Sadder Days is an indisputable game-changer, with undeniable vocals and an unorthodox artistic vision. There’s a velvety undertone to their tracks, which pairs well with their dark aesthetic. Moreover, Cameron’s expertise on the guitar shines through, especially in their song “Nocturnal Skin.” It’s no surprise that Wesley and Celestine, despite being new entrants in the industry, have already created an impressive fanbase and a sturdy foundation for the years to come. They’re all things good about music- a youthful perspective with a fresh take on modern-day artistry. And even better, there’s more music to indulge in from Sadder Days with their approaching 2-track EP releasing later this month.
In terms of content and progression, Sadder Days has much in store for 2024. Be on the lookout for new merch releasing later this year! Moreover, be sure to follow Sadder Days on Instagram to stay up to date on exciting new content. For now, check out the music video for “Nocturnal Skin” down below. We may be biased, but it’s an exquisite representation of Sadder Days’ artistry and the beauty of the music they create. See for yourself:

Q&A With Sadder Days:
Who are some of your major musical influences?
Cameron: “We take inspiration from things outside of our genre. RnB, Jazz, and Classical music sit atop some of our greatest influences. Artists like Jodeci, PARTYNEXTDOOR, Puma Blue, and Michael Jackson have played a huge role in our sound today. Visual Kei and Japanese Rock are other genres that played a huge role in how we first started. Bands like Malice Mizer and L’arc en ciel were our biggest influences when we started and they still inspire us to this day.”
Where do you see Sadder Days five years from now?
Cameron: “In 5 years we know that Sadder Days will be touring the world and changing the game. We want our music to provide a path for black culture to become synonymous with elegance and class. Moreover, I know that in that time, Grant and I want to be able to have signature instruments and be sponsored by a myriad of great brands.”
Who is your dream collaboration?
Cameron: “That’s a hard question… I’d honestly say someone like Drake or Beyoncé.”
Grant: “Heavy on Beyoncé.”
Cameron: “A collab like that would definitely change our lives and it would push the boundaries of modern day music.”