Venture Into “The Dark” With The Band Camino

In their latest album, The Dark, The Band Camino embodies the picture-perfect definition of pop rock in 2023.

Exploring The Band Camino’s Second Album

Kicking off with the rowdy track “I Told You So,” The Band Camino does not hold back in diving straight into their sophomore album. Consisting of eleven tracks, The Dark‘s only pitfall is the fact that it isn’t longer. The intro song delves into the independence of letting someone go. It’s a bittersweet monologue of saying goodbye; a premonition into what was sure to not last. “I Told You So” is a killer opening track to introduce us to this new world that The Band Camino invites fans into.

Moving on, the second track of the album slows the pace down and highlights that unique Camino sound. The chorus is jarring and emotional while remaining reminiscent of all the best parts of 2000s pop rock. Heavy on the guitar and intertwining electro-synth elements with traditional instruments, it’s very true to the brand that the trio has come to be known for. This remains true throughout the duration of the album.

The Dark comes to a close with my favorite track of all: “The Last Man in the World.” It’s got enough dimension to strike your initial interest, and is upbeat enough to keep you listening for more. And, it fully gathers the best parts of each track into one pleasant and boisterous finale to an objectively successful album. It’s the kind of track that you can foresee the crowd screaming back to the band during a show. If you had to show someone one track from The Band Camino, this one would undoubtedly be in the running.

Final Thoughts on The Dark

Lyrically, The Dark isn’t a profound work of art. It requires no deeper analysis and is as surface-level as it gets. In this way, the album is a double-edged sword. For music enthusiasts looking for substance beyond the typical trope of unrequited love, The Dark isn’t an album they’d swoon over. However, for those who appreciate good ol’ fashioned pop rock that you can mindlessly sing to and learn the words to after a few go-arounds, this album hits the mark.

Standout tracks on The Dark include “It’s You (It’s You),” “Afraid of the Dark” and “Novocaine.” The best elements of these tracks remain in their potential for live performances. Closing out their North American Screaming In The Dark tour, The Band Camino promises to put on an energetic concert with tracks like these. Check out the full album down below, and let us know your thoughts in the comments! Is The Dark a hit or miss?

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