Samia: Where Are They Now?

Samia: Where Are They Now
via Instagram @samiatheband: ? thx for 10 million streams on big wheel are you joking
rhianna took these in SF ❣️

‘Where are They Now?’ kicks off a new series where we examine the current success of past Music Discovery artists. This week, we will be looking at Samia. The 25-year-old is the perfect mix between angsty indie rock and indie pop.

Where Was Samia?

Last year, Samia released both her debut album, “The Baby,” and her four-track EP, “Scout.” With the comfort of “Big Wheel” from her debut album, there’s an adolescent innocence not seen on any other work. Furthermore, the title (“The Baby”) suggests a reason for her clumsiness within relationships. Tracks like “Big Wheel” emphasize this softness. With Fader, she says, “I wrote it [Big Wheels] after a few hours of laying in bed imagining hypothetical conversations with people that I was too scared to have in real life. It’s a passive confession of harbored resentments buried in a laundry list of gratitude.”

However, compared to her debut album, her EP, “Scout,” is more direct. It’s a long tale of breakups, long-distanced phone calls, and isolation. Her voice is delicate and unwavering on the record as she navigates growing up. She tells her label, “Grand Jury Music, It feels like a part two — it’s The Baby’s slightly older sister letting her know that everything is gonna be alright.” The torch song, “Show Up,” has sentimental lyrics of undying loyalty towards the people she loves most. In her music video, the backdrop shows videos of her friends and their adventures. And, along with Samia’s raw emotions, the listener’s experience is intimate.

Where is Samia Now?

Samia is currently wrapping up her tour (with three dates left). Music acts Savannah Conley and Sylvan Esso joined her on tour. And indeed, Savannah Conley was one of our Featured Artists last year. Recently, Samia put out two covers for Valentine’s Day. She covered “Desperado” by The Eagles, one of her musical inspirations. Her version of “Desperado truly highlights her voice with only a piano accompaniment. Samia’s take on Magnetic Field’s classic, “Brain on a Train” takes away all the layered tracks of their original. She has her voiced doubled in some sections and this time uses an acoustic guitar to keep it simplistic.

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