Rolling Stones Drummer Charlie Watts Biography Announced

The Rolling Stones and Charlie Watts’ family just announced the release of the authorized biography of late Rolling Stones Drummer. September 15 for the UK and October 11 for the US mark the two dates in which the book will be available to fans.

The sudden and unexpected death of the legendary drummer

Charlie wattsEnglish musician, as well as member of one of the most iconic rock bands of all time, Charles Robert Watts was one of the most influential drummer. With his jazz and blues interest, Watts developed a unique style that led him to the top. For this reason, it is not strange how much the music world cried over Watts’ sudden and unexpected death.

The drummer died on August 24, 2021 at the age of 80. The cause of the unexpected death was not revealed, although band mates suggested Throat Cancer. In fact, Ronnie Wood, second guitarist of the English band, mentioned that the hospital room Watts ended up in was the same one where he was in in 2000. In that year, the drummer was treated for cancer. However, no one was expecting the recovery to be fatal. At the time, the other three band members also announced the return of Watts in the tour soon after.

“Our dear friend Charlie Watts was not just a fantastic drummer but a wonderful person,” the Rolling Stones said. “He was funny and generous and a man of great taste and we miss him terribly. It’s great that his family have authorized this official biography by Paul Sexton, who’s been writing and broadcasting about Charlie and the band for many years.”

Authorised biography of Charlie Watts announced

The late biography presents author-broadcaster Paul Sexton as the main writer.

Sexton said: “One of Charlie’s good friends said to me that he was a very easy man to love. Having had the pleasure of his company on so many occasions over the course of more than a quarter of a century, that’s a sentiment I echo wholeheartedly. To be able, with the help and encouragement of those who knew him best, to draw on my time with this unique man and his fellow Rolling Stones to write his authorised biography, is a thrill and an honour.”

The biography will also include interviews with bandmates Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Ronnie Wood. Family, friends and collaborators will take part as well.

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