Joshua Bassett’s “Feel Something”? Feels Like Sunshine

With inspirations ranging from Harry Styles to The Beatles, it only makes sense that Joshua Bassett’s music is the perfect blend of melody, harmony, and sunshine.


Finding His Place

Making the transition from actor to pop star isn’t an easy one, but many people do it. Selena Gomez, Yungblud, and Olivia Rodrigo all took Disney Channel by storm prior to their music careers. Joshua Bassett falls right in line with these talented stars, but especially that of Miss Rodrigo. 


Both Bassett and Rodrigo became household names thanks to the global success of their Disney+ series. High School Musical: The Musical: The Series allowed these two to shine. Not only did they get to act and sing, but they slowly made their mark on the world. Now as these two work hard become their own beloved solo artists, they are cementing their place in the industry. Like Rodrigo, Bassett is showing everyone that he is more than a good TV show and more than a clever line in someone else’s song. (Rumors have been swirling for months that Olivia Rodrigo’s record breaking debut single, “driver’s license,” is about him.)


Luckily, he’s doing so with ease. His songwriting talents and vocal abilities effortlessly overshadow everything people think, know, and believe about him. The rising pop star is replacing rumors with truth. That truth, we know now, is raw musical talent that transcends generations. Joshua Bassett’s sound is warm, sunny, evocative, and introspective. He embodies the best singer-songwriters of the 1960s while still churning out refreshingly modern pop stories. His latest, “Feel Something,” is evidence of that.


Joshua Bassett’s Youthful Evolution

“Feel Something” is this expert lyricist’s eighth song to date. Currently, there is a five song EP and three addition singles out, beginning with his 2020 debut, “Common Sense.” 


Since “Common Sense,” Joshua Bassett has grown leaps and bounds. The star no longer tells general stories about love and life. Now he is inserting deeply personal narratives and even more tales of wanting into his music. “Feel Something” is Joshua Bassett’s wonderfully infectious pop song about youth. It’s not nostalgic or heartbreaking, but rather whimsical in the scenarios he paints about having fun. 


He croons and hums melodically, allowing imagery laden lyrics to take control. “Only got twelve hours in LA, no time to waste. We’ll sneak up to the fire escape and wait for the rain, and most days, dear, you drive me insane playing your games. Why don’t we push past the pain so we can say…. We felt it,” the first verse opens the imaginative, exhilarating new single. 


As he told MTV News, “A lot of it’s just an imaginary situation of having fun and doing whatever you can to feel something. There are some funny true stories behind some of the lyrics, but it’s a big combo of true stories and all in my imagination.” Clearly “Feel Something” is a bright, fun, and sweet pop song. It comes just in time for making love-filled, happiness-laced summer memories, too.

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