Hiatus Kaiyote Got Us In Their Red Room

Working Their Way To The Top

The cryptic poetry of Hiatus Kaiyote is back and better than ever as seen in their simple but effective new single. “Red Room” was released in late April and has just one verse sung throughout the laidback and dreamy instrumental. However, that repetition and simplicity is what makes the song great and transports you to that red room.

The band hails from Melbourne, Australia and got their start in 2012. Due to some unexpected publicity the band has been recently blowing up. With roots in jazz and soul, Hiatus Kaiyote didn’t attract much mainstream traction after their first album TAWK TOMAHAWK.

However, after being sampled by one of the biggest hip-hop stars of the decade, they found plenty of merit. In 2017, rap superstar Drake sampled the band on the first song of his eighth studio album, More Life.

The song, “Free Smoke,” begins with Hiatus Kaiyote’s serene lead vocals. She goes through a mirage of notes before jumping into Drake’s introduction.

The sample Drake took was from the song “Building a Ladder” which was off of Hiatus’ most recent studio project. 2016’s Choose Your Weapon is a 18-track banger that boosted the band into the future-soul/jazz niche and the added publicity gave the band a huge fan base for the new music to come.

Back From Their Hiatus… Kaiyote

Finally, after five years of enjoying the success of Choose Your Weapon, Hiatus Kaiyote is back from their literal hiatus. It is with their most recent single “Red Room.” This album marks the start of the new era for them. “Red Room” has already surpassed all their songs in popularity. The simple and catchy song also came with an announcement.

Hiatus Kaiyote’s third studio album is dropping soon! Yes, the neo soul jazz band that has been sampled by the greats will drop Mood Valiant on Junes 25. In the mean time check out the lyric video for the newest song.

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