Indie rock band “Good Kid” recently dropped their third EP, Good Kid 3. Bringing listeners back for more upbeat, yet complex songs, Good Kid takes us on an ephemeral journey. Let’s check out this new EP together.
Not Just Musicians
Composed of 5 members from Toronto, these musicians have developed their own niche within the indie rock scene, citing influences from J-Rock bands such as “Kana-Boon” and rock bands such as “The Strokes.”
Unlike many other artists, Good Kid stands out due to the DMCA-free status of their songs. In other words, their songs belong to public use in streams and videos, and their songs actually became popular from Fortnite streamers playing their songs. This is incredibly important in the world of Twitch and YouTube, where dangerous DMCA strikes or takedowns constantly plague the back of content creators’ minds, so it’s great to see what Good Kid is doing for their fellow creators.
And, continuing in the world of gaming, Good Kid even created their own 8-bit video game. Titled “Good Kid: Ghost King’s Revenge,” not only did they create an entire soundtrack for the game, but they also coded it. This 2D side-scroller is incredibly well-made—and addicting. Check it out here.

Catchy Guitar, Complex Vocals
Much like most of their previous work, Good Kid has created numerous fast-paced, catchy rock flicks in Good Kid 3. Yet in this EP, it seems that each song lessens in intensity with each track until reaching the soft, acoustic, and wistful “Madeleine.”
“And then when we were older, there were miles between /
I conjured you an apparition /
To show you what we’d seen /
The sun the earth the wind the rain and holding out for change /
And all the snow you couldn’t let go you dancеd atop a train”
This is a theme present in most of Good Kid’s tracks in this EP: a motif of the heavens and the natural world. It seems that Good Kid is using this motif to articulate a broader meaning of how hard it is to communicate feelings with others. In “Mimi’s Delivery Service,” Good Kid uses the moon to discuss how the narrator desires to help someone rise up to find happiness but are unable to truly help them. In “Osmosis,” Good Kid utilizes the tides of the ocean to work out losing feelings for another person. Through symbolism and heavy lyricism, Good Kid is able to cleverly integrate their peppy and catchy guitar licks into complex music for the masses to listen and relate to.