Des Rocs returns with Manic Memories

Des Rock, one of the last hard rockers out there right now, just release his new single Manic Memories. Alongside the single, Des Rocs released the official music video as well.

Des Rocs

Manic Memories

The single project of American Daniel Rocco, Des Rock is one of the most intriguing artists of the moment. With almost 1 million monthly listeners, Rocco is growing fast and making himself a name. Proud native of the Big Apple, Des Rocs is not only a singer and songwriter, but also musician and producer. The artist is also joined by his long time friends and bandmates, William Tully and Eric Mendelsohn.

Manic Memories is Des Rocs first single since his 2021 debut album A Real Good Person In A Real Bad Place. The artist and his 1983 MIJ Squier Stratocaster carries on the heritage of hard rock. The rhythmic and powerful sound together with the lyrics create a dark ambience in which the artist represent not only an emotion but also a memory.

The song talks about those memories that are part of our past and accomplice of today’s darkness. It represents the times from our past that we remember with both melancholy, pain and regret.

As the artist mentioned:

“‘Manic Memories’ is a letter to the demons that haunt our past. The last few years have been a roller coaster, and writing about those demons provided the courage to navigate my own darkness. For anyone haunted by their past – I hope this song can be a beacon of light to guide you through the wilderness.”


The lyrics

I remember the silly cartoons
And the smell of summer afternoons


And we’ll always try to hide these scars
Never showing who we are
We all run from the manic memories

describe those memories all of us wish could but can’t forget. Manic Memories represent a liberation from the weight of the demons we are “tortured by” and the secret that “haunt us.”

The Official Music Video

If you’d ask anyone to make someone out of a leather jacket, a black pair of glasses, a microphone and an empty room, the results wouldn’t be as nearly impressive as what Des Rocs created. As simplistic as it is, the video is full of emotions and connects with the meaning of the song. Moreover, the simplicity of the video help elevate the song to a new level. With his trade mark, his black and red leather jacket, the artist created an hauntingly involving and emotional work.


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