Carpool Karaoke Just Featured Camila Cabello

Carpool Karaoke is on a roll! First up was the long awaited Nicki Minaj. Now it’s Hispanic star Camila Cabello! It’s no secret, I love this woman and what she makes so you know I was excited for this one. 

On this episode of James Corden’s fun drive to work, he sings Cabello’s hits alongside her. Sprinkled about are personal and important questions asked about her journey to America as an immigrant. That and the journey of her parents getting to America was important for me to see on such a platform. Immediately after, there’s a bit of levity with the conversation going on to her 25th birthday. While her Dad isn’t invited ‘cause she’ll be “throwin’ that ass in a circle,” her mother is. Why? ‘Cause she encourages her to throw that ass in a circle. 

From that to confessing that she got on X-Factor just ‘cause of her crush on Harry Styles. She briefly touches upon her joy of being a solo artist rather than in a band. And from that… we got a wacky segment where she takes a lie detector test. I ain’t spoiling that one so go check it out for yourself below! 

That’s it for now. For more on your favorites and unknown check out our Word and Drops sections. Remember to check out Camila Cabello’s Familia, out now on physical and streaming.


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