Annabel Lee’s New Album “Mother’s Hammer” is Masterful.

Annabel Lee, an alternative indie-punk musician, just released a marvelous album March 8th, 2023. “MOTHER’S HAMMER” is an 11 track album with leading song “UP” charting as number one single in her discography. It’s hard to put Annabel into a category, her music is entirely individual, unlike anything you’ve heard on the radio. However, listen to “UP” and feel the catchy pop music take root. Or listen to the broken-hearted ballad that is “LOS ANGELES.” Once more, if we scroll back to the first song she released back in 2020, “Ugliest Love.” Here, we get this slow smooth almost 70s rock beat, with lyrics that hit you HARD.

Annabel Lee posing with her new album "MOTHER'S HAMMER"

The Story Behind “MOTHER’S HAMMER”

I was in my moms car, in the front seat, and we would listen to music and bond. There was this Elton John song called ‘The One’ and a line that says: The second the hammer hits. My mom turned to me and said ‘That’s it. That’s just what it’s like.'”

Excerpt from Annabel Lee’s live performance from The Hotel Cafe, 2020

In April 2021, Annabel Lee posted this YouTube video of her live performance and background of her inspiration. She says that throughout her life she had been waiting to feel that moment, this sort of big hammer smashing down. This album, and single specifically, really capture that edging moment. It’s as if your life has been about patience, waiting as you feel it build, get close, but still be out of reach.

Not only does Annabel give us the sorrow of waiting for something, she deepens that by speaking on the pain of being with someone toxic and abusive. To be hit with love’s hammer and still be treated so poorly, it’s the essence of the phrase “Love is pain.”

When Lee announced the single “LOS ANGELES” on her Instagram, she posted a typed story/introduction to the song. Her most striking confession, in my opinion, was this:

“MOTHER’S HAMMER” is such an intimate look into what Annabel Lee has overcome, or continues to overcome. Tying in memories from her mother, trauma from people and places, this album has been 3 years in the making. This album covers a lifetime in 41 minutes and 42 seconds.

Where To Listen to Annabel Lee’s New Album

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