Hozier returns with multiple announcements a few weeks before the release of his new album, Unreal Unearth. Get ready for this incredible drop with us by learning everything you need to know about the artist and his upcoming projects.
Few days after the release of the single, Hozier dropped the music video for his latest “Francesca.”
With references to Dante’s Divina Commedia, Hozier dropped a single that describes the point of view of one of the Italian writer’s most famous characters, Francesca Da Rimini. In the V chant of the Divina Commedia, Dante presents Francesca with her lover, Paolo. The two are in fact in Hell, “Inferno,” for being brothers-in-law (Francesca was married to Gianciotto, Paolo’s brother) and still being in love. This led them to their death at the hands of Francesca’s husband. The couple is therefore in the circle of the luxurious. As for every circle, Dante introduces a different punishment as direct consequence to the characters’ actions in their lives. In the case of this V Circle, their punishment is to be carried away by the wind and thrown against rocks for all eternity.
Hozier mentions the “hurricane” in his song as well.
How could I fear any hurricane?/ If someone asked me at the end/ I’d tell them put me back in it
However, both Dante and Hozier treat the couple, especially Francesca, with more leniency and compassion. Francesca is in fact a creature of noble and kind soul, and both the artists expend much mercy in their words to describe her.
“Francesca” is a love song, and it describes the strength of a woman who has to fight – and die – for her love.
Darling, I’d go through it again/ I would still be surprised I could find you, darling/ In any life For all that was said/ Of where we’d end up at the end of it/ When the heart would cease/ Ours never knew peace
With the single, the official music video came out as well.
Famous for his rhetoric, figures, and metaphors, Hozier couldn’t avoid using some analogies in his music video. The scenes in fact take place in the dark, referencing how Francesca lives in the dark of the consequences of her choices.
Unreal Unearth, Final Announcement

The artist went on his social media to announce the official release date of his third upcoming album, Unreal Unearth. The long-awaited album was teased by its singles “Eat Your Young,” “All Things End,” and “Through Me (The Flood).” Hozier later added another piece when a few days ago he also dropped his latest “Francesca.”
Four years after the release of his last album Wasteland, Baby!, Hozier officially announce that his new work will see the light on August, 18th of this year. “After a journey of some years, my new album #UnrealUnearth will find its way to you on August 18th,” wrote Hozier on his social accounts.
I’m proud of this record and enjoyed watching it come to life over the past year. Thank you as always for your support and patience while it was coming to fruition, it’s my great pleasure to share with you the release date at long last.
Additional Tour Dates
After the release of his “Eat Your Young,” which teases the release of Unreal Unearth, the artist had another great announcement. Together with his new single, “Francesca,” Hozier announced also three more intimate dates for his British fans.
Manchester, Sheffield & Belfast will witness three “intimate” shows between July and September. Fans will also have a new chance to get a new ticket for the sold-out tour.