Twenty One Pilots & Stranger Things; Live Music Perfection

Stranger Things Season 4 wrapped up and now, everyone is eagerly awaiting Season 5. The least anyone and myself suspected would happen would be a crossover of sorts between the superstar band: Twenty One Pilots and Stranger Things. Now, I’m a huge fan of both of these things so this was a match made in heaven. But how exactly is that the case? Well, let’s take a quick dive into this epic crossover. 



Live Music Perfection: 

The moment Twenty One Pilots became a two piece band was when former members: Chris Salih and Nick Thomas left. For the briefest second Twenty One Pilots would be a solo act consisting of Tyler Joseph. Then, close friend turned second piece, Josh Dun entered the band as a drummer. They encountered one nagging problem as a two piece band: live performances. Not to say that they’re live performances were lacking, far from it. They realized that their music and live performances need to, in Joseph’s words, “make up for the fact that they’re just a two piece band.” And boy did they. The rest is history. 

I needed to set the stage with that. That fact is incredibly important to know to understand how impressive they implemented Stranger Things into their show. Let’s get into it. Starting the show off, Twenty One Pilots, uses the clock chime from Vecna’s approach and main synth progression of Stranger Things’ theme. They keep this going by using some dialogue from Vecna detailing how there’s no way they could win. “He sees all.” If you’re a fan of Twenty One Pilots like me, then you know that this usage fits the antagonist of Trench, Nico, quite well. Moving on, we progress to the actual start of the song “Heathens.” 

This is spliced with that main synth I talked about above. When you sit down and take it all in, the lyrics to “Heathens” fit perfectly with Stranger Things, its characters, and narrative. On top of this, using key visuals from the season and their signature energy into every aspect of the performance, then you know this one’s a crowd pleaser. 

I implore you to check it out by clicking the video above or clicking the link here. Thanks for reading! See you next time! 

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