“Figure You Out” by Djo is Addictively Composed

With the recent release of “Decide” by Djo, I wanted to take a moment to shine a light on a single that’s been in my head for a while. (Don’t worry, the album review’s coming soon too. I got you.) Join me as I comb through the new vocal approach and musical delivery of “Figure You Out.” 


Djo and his Addictively Composed “Figure You Out”: 

This song is an ear worm and incredibly well done. It’s no secret Djo has got some bangers. Just read up on my piece on the guy by clicking here to see some highlights. So where does this differ? Is it just business as usual? Yes and No. 

Djo is still taking classic 80s and 90s era music for his style. It’s alternative and has some modern influences, but from aesthetics to the light motifs and soundscapes, that’s classic. So the vibe is business as usual, the thing I’ve noticed that’s changed is his vocal delivery. It’s no longer as high pitched as “Chateau,” probably because he’s no longer hiding his face since he started doing live performances. Does that mean that it’s lacking that unique angle? Nope! This approach just feels more comfortable and with the production and infectious chorus, it all melts together into a great track! Now, off to listen to the album! 

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