Decisive Pink are Electronic and Otherworldly in Debut Album “Ticket to Fame”

Experimental pop duo Decisive Pink is ready to take you on an intergalactic journey with their debut album, Ticket to Fame.

Who are Decisive Pink?

Angel Deradoorian and Kate NV are Decisive Pink, a pop duo. Deradoorian was previously a part of the rock band Dirty Projectors, and Kate NV is a Russian pop artist who thrives on experimentation. Represented by British record label Fire Records, the two chose to call themselves Decisive Pink after Wassily Kandinsky’s painting of the same name.

According to Fire Records, the two artists have “a mutual sense of beauty and humour.” Deradoorian said of the writing process that it was “very balanced, writing-wise. Usually we can quickly fall into a writing flow and just jam together. The songs transpire swiftly.” Kate NV acknowledged that the two are “very different,” but it seems that they’ve figured out how to work with those differences.

For the album, Kate NV took on the role of main producer and arranger, while Deradoorian added input. With the songwriting, the roles switched. Deradoorian was the main lyricist of Ticket to Fame and Kate NV provided the input.

The Beginning of the Duo

The two musicians first came together in December of 2022 with their debut single “Haffmilch Holiday.” Then, only two months later, they released their second single, “Destiny,” along with a music video depicting tarot card readings and old paintings.

Two months after that, Decisive Pink released their third single, “Ode to Boy,” as well as a corresponding music video. This music video has a very retro aesthetic with its turtleneck leotards and hot pink tights.

Finally, one month later, in May, the duo dropped their last single, “Dopamine,” and its music video. The music video for “Dopamine” has a very similar aesthetic as the video for “Ode to Boy.” However, in “Ode to Boy,” the 80s, retro feel was that of a jazzercise video. In “Dopamine,” the 80s, retro feel is robotic and materialistic.

Together, Angel Deradoorian and Kate NV make up Decisive Pink, the latest pop act on the scene. Many of their songs off of their debut album, Ticket to Fame, are abstract, melodic mishmashes of 80s synths and spaceship sounds that are delightfully strange.

Ticket to Fame

In addition to “Haffmilch Holiday,” “Destiny,” “Ode to Boy,” and “Dopamine,” Ticket to Fame is full of many experimental songs. One song that listeners can’t help but enjoy due to its absurdity is “Potato Tomato.” In this song, Decisive Pink have fun repeating the words “potato” and “tomato” for the song’s duration against a simple bass line. They laugh at themselves and each other, and revel in the playfulness of repeatedly pronouncing words.

Another more out-there song on the album is “Voice Message.” Not a single word is spoken or sung, but the vocal sounds that listeners do hear seem to be communicating with each other…somehow…

There are many more unique gems on Ticket to Fame. The album is quite a debut. This introduction to their music is truly experimental and absurd. Give the entire album a listen below.

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