“BET” Is Russ’s Yell After His Mental Health Problems

“I needed a break so I took one, that’s healthy, my spirit was broke my pockets were wealthy. Was drownin’ from bein’ an anchor for everyone, but I can’t help you if I don’t help me”.

Russ Releases New Song BET


After his decision to suspend the European tour due to his mental health issues, Russ is back with a powerful track that expresses all his desire for revenge. “BET” follows last month’s drops “Last Night” and “That Was Me.” Interestingly, his therapist suggested Russ face up to this writing challenge. He is not afraid of showing what he’s been going through. And Russ is able to mix this fragility with the anger of his bars in “BET.”

Not An Isolated Case

The songwriter and producer from Atlanta talked to us about his weaknesses this summer, following some family problems. Because of some uncomfortable situations Russ was forced to cancel his ‘The Journey Is Everything’ tour, to the disappointment of his fans. However, he’s not an isolated case. Other artists are dealing with the same issues, such as Shawn Mendes, Disclosure and many others. Russ’s situation shines light on how now more than ever, mental health is such a fundamental aspect we have to reconsider as a society. It’s essential to look out for people’s wellbeing, no matter their status. 

Russ has the luck/bad luck to express his feelings in the lyrics he made. And with “BET” he took the chance to give this out in the way he knows better. The rapper is at a turning point of his career, and everything that happens next is solely dependent on him.

We look forward to getting to know the new Russ, and if “BET” is the first taste of this path, well… we can hardly wait. 

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